Research on the "Factory Law" of Nanjing National Government ( 1927-1937); 南京国民政府《工厂法》研究(1927-1937)
After a long inquiry, the Manager was exonerated from the charge of neglect and from any responsibility for the fire that destroyed the factory. Perspective on Mandatory Feature of International Nautical Transportation Law and Nautical Fault Exemption 经过长时间的调查才免除了经理玩忽职守之罪和对毁坏工厂的那场火灾的责任。透视国际海上货物运输法的强制性与航海过失免责
Many Chinese factory owners say a tough, new labor law, which went into effect on jan.1, complicates the hiring process and threatens to raise labor costs even more, at a time when parts of the country are already plagued with labor shortages. 很多中国厂商的老板称,已经在一月一日生效的新的、更加严格的劳动法使得雇佣程序更加复杂,并且还将促使劳动力成本上涨,而同时国内的很多地区正在面临着劳动力短缺的危机。
The old factory Insolvency Law of China has been out of date, while the new one shows the common idea of the legis-laters. 中国旧的企业破产法早已“时过境迁”,新企业破产法体现了立法者的共识。
By closing before January 1, factory owners could avoid having to pay higher compensation costs mandated by the new law. 如果在今年1月1日前关闭工厂,工厂所有者就能避免按照新的劳动法支付更高的补偿金。
The factory has been emitting black smoke from its chimney, which is against law. 这家工厂的烟囱一直排放黑烟,这是违法的。
The only law that rules in the factory is the law of the jungle. 这个厂里奉行的唯一法则就是弱肉强食的法则。
But the control section of the equipment service management, at present the procedure also depends on the instruction, booklet which given by the factory, sometime on real ship experience crew, as well as international or domestic law and pact. 而机务管理部门对设备的维修管理,目前做法也只是通过厂家所给的说明书,有实船经验的船员,以及国际或国内公约和规则的要求,大都采用事后维修和定期维修的方式。
Meanwhile, the author conducts an analysis on the causes of these problems, and puts forward some countermeasures from the perspectives of publicity education, reinforcement of factory environment management, strict enforcement of law and policies. 浅谈严格执法与优化环境并从宣传教育、加强企业环境管理、严格执法和推行政策等方面提出了相应的管理对策。
In 1802, the British Parliament passed the world's first factory law. 1802年,英国议会通过了世界上的第一个工厂法。
From the initial plant manager responsibility system of factory director, to issuing the company law, carrying on the reform of making of company, and then get to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones, adjust the property right structure of state-owned enterprise. 从最初的厂长经理负责制,到颁布公司法、进行公司制改革,再到抓大放小、调整国有企业产权结构。
The paper investigates detailedly the usage condition of the factory and subgrade deformation course and uses the long-term measuring settlement data to analyze the law of subgrade deformation in soft soil area and main influent factors. 对厂房实际使用状况和地基的变形历程进行了全面调查,通过对沉降数据的分析,明确了软土地区地基变形的特点和主要影响因素。
I check on data collection, collation and analysis of the legal system of factory inspection in Republican period, and adopt an objective and fair attitude to understand and evaluate the factory inspection law. 笔者在对有关民国工厂检查法制的资料收集、整理以及分析的过程中,认为应该以一种客观、公正的态度来认识和评价其工厂检查法制。
In 1932, with the change of the social situation, this law was revised again and resumed compulsory arbitration while Nanjing National Government enacted The Labour Union Law, The Factory Law and so on. 1932年,应社会形势的变化,该法再次修正,恢复强制主义。与此同时,南京国民政府制定了《工会法》、《工厂法》和《团体协约法》等。